Paras Aikuisten Deittisivusto netissä
Paras Aikuisten Deittisivusto netissä

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Liity Nyt

honestrespectful Profiilin Tiedot

Kind, Respectful guy with Sense of Humor
Ikä 40 Kaupungista London, Ontario - Kirjautunut sisään - Yli 2 viikkoa sitten
Mies Hae A Naista

Perus Informaatio

Osaan puhua  
Kuvailisin itseäni  
I am a kind, respectful young man with a sense of humor and a keen interest in spanking. To be clear, I am not looking for sex or a one-night-stand, but a relationship built on trust. I realize this may be a strange place to look for that, but nevertheless I am going to give it a shot.

Because of my interest in spanking and wanting to explore that more, I find that mainstream dating sites aren't going to give me what I am looking for. My interest in spanking is so much a part of who I am and I would really like it to be a part of any serious relationship with a significant other. I will admit to being a novice when it comes to actually engaging in spanking play of any kind. My interest has mostly been satisfied with being an observer; watching videos, reading and sometimes even writing stories. That being said, I have started to feel I want more and would like to engage with spanking on more levels.

So, a bit about me. I was born and raised in London Ontario and have lived here most of my life. I love travel, reading a good book, hanging out with friends, and much more. I love nature so I love going for a hike and taking pictures of birds and flowers. I love hanging out with family and friends, playing cards or board games, or just watching a good movie together. I do like playing all kinds of different video games, whether single player or playing a few rounds of Mario Kart with my friends and family.

I think the ideal first date would be fairly low key. Coffee at a coffee shop, when these darn Covid regulations allow for that, of course. Chatting by phone would be great to fill in the times when meeting in person isn't an option. Watching movies and playing games together would be great as well or just talking over a meal at a restaurant, again as rules allow. Walks in a park are always great as well!! Bottom line, I just want to get to know you and build trust and hopefully have some fun along the way.

Which brings us to the hot button topic, spanking play. First and foremost, I think some trust must be built before just diving right in to spanking play. It is essential for both parties to feel safe when engaging in this kind of play. Boundaries and limits are a must in my book. Again, for me, I would want to get to know someone before just jumping into something like that. I am not going to go into fantasies and roleplays I would like to get into, but I am certainly open to answering questions on that front. Know that if you want to experience a spanking from either the giving or the receiving side of things, than please let me know as I am more than willing to try either or both.

Also, I am happy to discuss spanking histories or anything related to your own spanking interest. Like I said, I am fascinated by the world of spanking. Now, I am not so big on the world of BDSM as a whole, just spanking, but I am a very curious individual when it comes to spanking.

Now, I know finding the perfect macth is not easy and sometimes takes time and patience, but I am willing to give this a try and see where this goes.

What am I looking for?

Someone who is also open and honest. Someone looking for a relationship and not just a sex partner. I am looking for something deeper and I fully realize that this may not be the place to do so. The very intro to these sites seems to be all about finding a sex partner and that is not what I am looking for, but I want to give this site a chance.

I look forward to hopefully hearing from some thoughtful and respectful ladies that are also looking for a relationship. Please don't hesitate to send me a message, ask me questions and let us start this journey together.


Ulkonäkö ja Tilanne

Vartalonmallini on  
Pituuteni on  
5' 11 (1.8 m)
Silmienvärini on  
Etninen taustani on  
Aviosäätyni on  
Minulla on lapsia  
Haluan lapsia  
Paras puoleni on  
En edes harkitsisi
Hiukseni ovat  
Minulla on yksi tai kaksi tällaista  
Olen valmis muuttamaan  


Koulutukseni taso on  
Jonkin verran Lukiota
Työllisyys tilanteeni on  
Myynti / Markkinointi
Työ tittelini on  
Sales Associate
Vanhempien kanssa
Kaikki on rauhallista
Kyllä - Seurassa


Sosiaalinen käyttäytymiseni  
Varautunut, Ujo, Anti - sosiaalinen, Ystävällinen
Kiinnostuksen kohteet ja Harrastukseni ovat  
Uskonto / Hengellisyys, Perhe, Ruokailla, Valokuvat, Lukeminen, Oppiminen, Musiikki, Tv, Elokuvat, Internetti, Pelit, Matkustaminen, Korttipelit, Telttailu
Käsitykseni mukavasta ajanvietteestä on  
Kavereiden kanssa hengailu, Kotona oleskelu, Uusien asioiden kokeilu, Elokuvat, Rentoutuminen, Nukkuminen, Kirjan Lukeminen, Pukeutumisleikit, Videopelien pelaaminen, Tv, Konserttiin meneminen
Unelma treffini olisivat  
Coffee or even a chat over the phone. Take out dinner at someone's home. Or just a walk in a quiet neighborhood to get to know one another.
Olen aina halunnut kokeilla  
Sky-Diving. Don't know if I have the guts to do it, but it is on my bucket list.
Kaverini kuvailevat minun olevan  
Ystävällinen, suosittu, Hassu


Uskontoni on  
Käyn säännöllisesti  
Kerran viikossa
Tavoitteeni elämässäni on  
To make the most of every opportunity. I want to try new things and stop living life in safety all the time. What is life without some risk.
Minun tapainen huumori on  
Kuiva / Sarkastinen, Ystävällinen, Hassu


Televisiosta katson  
Sarjakuvat, Draamat, Elokuvat, Uusinnat
Kun menen elokuviin, lähden katsomaan  
Toiminta, Scifi, Komedia, Draama, Trilleri
Kun kuuntelen musiikkia, kuuntelen aina  
Country musiikki, Rap musiikki, Rock musiikki, Metalli, Pop musiikki
Kun luen, luen aina  
Koominen, Fantasia, Kaunokirjallisuus, Historia, Tiede, Scifi
Käsitykseni hauskanpidosta on  
Chilling out with my friends and family. Playing board or card games. Watching wrestling with my brother. Just being around people I like really.


Mikä sinua vetää puoleensa?  
Nokkela, Voima, Spontaanisuus, Herkkyys, Empatia, Huumori, Hyvä ulkonäkö, Ajattelevaisuus, Viisaus
Mitä etsit?  
Someone that shares some of my interests and hobbies and is interested in a long term relationship. Having a common interest in spanking is important to me, but it is not the only thing I am looking for. I want someone that has a sense of humor, loves to laugh, but can be serious when needed. Hoping to find someone that shares some of my interests and we can have fun together doing things we both love or even just talking to each other.
Minkälaista suhdetta etsit?  
Kaveri, Päivämäärä